


Pioneering involves designing and constructing equipment using poles, ropes and guy lines.

Pioneering is an excellent equaliser through which poles and ropes become awe inspiring (and functional) projects. Teams can pit their design ideas against each other whether they come knowing knots or learn them with us as a knew skill.

Sessions are fully inclusive and can be balanced to the specific needs of your group.

Projects may include:

  • Camp gadgets
  • Mini Catapults
  • Team Vs Challenges
  • Tower building

For the more experienced we can build larger projects such as:

  • Tables, Benches and other Furniture
  • Gateways/Arches
  • Bridges

Further information

Use our booking enquiry form below or contact us by phone 01622 397070 or email

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For price lists please refer to the following documents:

Kent Scouts

Scouts & Guides

Schools, Youth Groups & Corporate

To download our risk assessments please click here

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